Thanks for this. I missed this bit.

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How nice of the FBI, now that it has successfully resolved all of the problems with violent crime and criminal cartels here in the USA, to set up shop in Ukraine. I wonder if my city's police force will follow their example. Next time I read about the Putin doing something bad, I'll call 9-1-1 and file a police report. If more Americans do this, then between the Feds and State/Local law enforcement, we should be able to put a stop to Russian aggression, since Putin will be in jail where he belongs. I mean, now that we have no more domestic crimes for police to fight, it makes sense to send our law enforcement officers elsewhere in the world to spread Pax Americana, right!

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Thanks for the heads up, John. So far as one can tell, hostile forces from within have captured the FBI and numerous other alphabet and government agencies. Hopefully, enough good actors remain to push back hard and retake what has been stolen. The mission creep is definitely out of control.

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Appreciate the response. I wonder to what extent there is a divergence within these institutions between the upper echelons and the main body of the personnel.

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I wonder too. Let's hope it's significant.

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While it is always encouraging to read exposures of the FBI's corruption and over-reach, reading that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was "unprovoked" (and seeing that term used twice in the same article) is reminiscent of the hundreds of articles produced by the Deep State that used the term "without proof" whenever President Trump was quoted. As an American citizen, I do not see any value in our attempt to overthrow Putin or to further disrupt and destroy the world.

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