Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Welsh

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about acronyms. Your piece brings to mind a 12-minute podcast I listened to this week by James Lindsay titled "Thought-Terminating Cliches." It seems to me that acronyms, slogans and cliches all share the goal of thought termination. They aim to not have people think to much or too deeply about a topic. They encourage unthought. You can listen to "Thought-Terminating Cliches" at https://newdiscourses.com/2023/04/thought-terminating-cliches/

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Listened to it, and it seems we're all on the same page. He mentioned Lifton in about the first 90 seconds lol

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023Liked by John Welsh

James Lindsay talks about Robert Lifton's book in several of his podcasts about Maoist thought reform tactics. I've got Robert Lifton on my reading list. You can find James Lindsay's podcasts at newdiscourses.com.

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Bookmarked. :)

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Very much so. Thanks for the link. I'm going to listen to that podcast now . I read a book recently by the psychologist Robert Lifton called "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism" (1961), in which I recall him using that expression. It's about indoctrination in China after the revolution there. Maybe Lindsay mentions it. It's worth the read, if you can get it.

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Didn't Orwell also say something about the use of acronyms by authoritarians?

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Author

Good point. I believe so. Somewhere in 1984, when he's talking about government ministries. I remember him referring to 'telescoped' words, which stuck in my mind. Similar principal, I guess. Orwell was always sensitive to the modern totalitarian potentials running through all manner of political regimes. If you can find something concrete, cut and paste here in the comments!

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deletedApr 6, 2023Liked by John Welsh
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Appreciate the warm words. If you like, do share wherever you can. We're still in the early stages of building up the Newsletter over here, but as the former Governator once said... "a man's reeeeaach should exheeeeed his graaasp" (You'll have to imagine the accent)

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